Professional Student Clubs / Chapters
IIChE Student Chapter
⮞ To organize lectures, seminars, workshops, short courses, plant visits, career counselling programmes, etc.
⮞ To empower the students for ensuring their professional life. |
Research and Innovation Club
Objectives –
⮞ To guide the students for their research publication and project work.
⮞ To conduct interactive events such as research quize, product development, paper presentation etc.
⮞ Encorage the facaukty and students to publish article, book chapter and patents. |
Activities –
The expert lecture includes about “Research Paper using Mendeley” was organized by Research and Innovation Club Department of Chemical Engineering.
The Mendeley is most widely used electronic reference manager because free to use, user friendly, compatible for different browsers, largest sourced database and it is customized reference style. Students and Faculty members of Department take the benefit of the this workshop.