Internal Quality Assurance Cell


IQAC shall evolve mechanisms and procedures for:

1. Ensuring timely, efficient and progressive performance of academic, administrative and financial tasks.
2. Ensure relevance and quality of academic and research programmes.
3. Equitable access to and affordability of academic programmes for various sections of society.
4. Optimization and integration of modern methods of teaching and learning.
5. Setup credibility of evaluation procedures.
6. Ensuring the adequacy, maintenance and functioning of the support structure and services.
7. Research sharing and networking with other institutions in India and abroad.


Some of the functions expected of the IQAC are:

1. Development and application of quality benchmarks/parameters for the various academic and administrative activities of the institution.
2. Dissemination of information on the various quality parameters of higher education.
Organization of workshops, seminars on quality related themes.

1. Documentation of the various programmes / activities leading to quality improvement.
2. Acting as a nodal agency of the institution for quality-related activities.
3. Preparation of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) to be submitted to NAAC based on the quality parameters.


IQAC will facilitate / contribute:

1. To a heightened level of clarity and focus in institutional functioning towards quality enhancement and facilitate internalization of the quality culture for Quality and Excellence in Higher Education.
2. Enhancement and integration among the various activities of the institution and institutionalize of many good practices.
3. To provide a sound basis for decision making to improve institutional functioning.
4. To act as a change agent in the institution.
5. For better internal communication.

  • • Staff Development
  1. 1. To organise a minimum of two pedagogical training programmes per year for new teaching Faculty.
  1. 2. To organize at least one common skill-development programme per year for the supporting staff.
  • • Teaching–Learning Process
  1. 1. To review student performance in Midterm & End term tests for all departments within one week of completion of the tests.
  1. 2. To register and complete at least two relevant MOOC/ NPTEL/Swayam/ Coursera Courses/ one MOOC course and one FDP/industrial training (not less than 5 days) by all teaching faculty per year.
  • • Co-Curricular Activities
  1. 1. To organise one international conference every two years such that major disciplines have a conference once in 5 years.
  1. 2. To conduct coaching classes for national level competitive exams like UPSC, MPSC, GRE/ TOFEL, CAT, GATE etc and to ensure that at least 2 students from each department clear the exams successfully.
  • • Research & Development
  1. 1. To collaborate DYPCET with leading research institutes at national and international levels. Initiatives like joint international conference, workshops and research papers can also be undertaken to improve overall research culture at Institute.
  2. 2. To Improve quality of publications
  3. 3. To Fetch R&D grants and revenue generation through consultancy, training and

testing services etc.

  • • Industry- Institute Interaction
  1. 1. Establishment of Industry-Institute Partnership /interaction Cell.
  2. 2. To Sign MoU’s or enter into collaborations with a minimum total of 5 industries of each program for mutually beneficial interaction and organize at least 5 joint programmes.
  3. 3. Participation of experts from industry in curriculum development.
  4. 4. R&D Laboratories sponsored by industries & development of consultancy at the Institute.
  5. 5. To initiate Incubation Centre.
  • • Placement
  • • To achieve 90% campus placement of eligible & job aspiring candidates.
  • • Extracurricular Activities
  1. 1. To Periodically carryout extra-curricular activities through NSS and Students activity clubs.
  1. 2. To be within the top three ranks of Shivaji University, Kolhapur in sports and to achieve at least 3 medals at the national/international level.
  • • Future Plans
  1. 1. To get permanent affiliation for existing programmes by affiliating university.
  2. 2. To become an Autonomous institute in 2020-21.
  3. 3. To get NBA accreditation (IInd Cycle) of all programmes in 2021-22
  4. 4. To set Incubation Centre in 2021-22
  5. 5. To get reaccreditation of NAAC for institute in 2022-23


Internal Quality Assurance Cell has been constituted as per University Grants Commission (Conferment of Autonomous Status upon Colleges and Measures for Maintenance of Standards in Autonomous Colleges) Regulations, 2023 for the period of three years from the academic year  2023-24.

Sr. No.Name of FacultyDepartmentRole
1Dr. S.D.ChedePrincipalChair Person
2Dr. A. K. GuptaExecutive DirectorManagement Representative
3Dr. L. V. MaladeRegistrarAdministrative Officer
4Dr. T. B. Mohite PatilElect.& Telecom. Engg.Teacher Representative
5Dr. S. J. RaykarMechanical Engg.Teacher Representative
6Dr. K. M. ManeCivil Engg.Teacher Representative
7Ms. R. J. DhanalComputer Sci. & Engg.Teacher Representative
8Dr. K. T. JadhavChemical Engg.Teacher Representative
9Dr. G. V. PatilData Science Engg.Teacher Representative
10Dr. S. V. PatilAIMLTeacher Representative
11Dr. I. S. JadhavArchitectureTeacher Representative
12Dr. N. D. SangaleFirst Year Engg.Teacher Representative
13Dr. Swapnil HirkudeLocal SocietyAlumni Representative
14Dr. Y. M. PatilExternal AcademicianDean Exam, KIT’s College of Engineering, Kolhapur
15Mr. Indrajit DalviIndustry PersonAmruta Industries, Kolhapur
16Mr. SachinPatilEmployerCoforge Business Process Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Kolhapur
17Mr. Akshay TalwekarStudent SY ETCStudent Representative
18Dr. S. D. BhopaleDean Quality AssuranceMember Secretary

IQAC Report

  1. Student Satisfaction Survey 2023-2024 Download
  2. Student Satisfaction Survey 2022-2023 Download
  3. Best practice 2022-23 Download
  4. Student Satisfaction Survey 2022-2023 Download
  5. Student Satisfaction Survey 2021-2022 Download
  6. Best Practice 2021-2022 Download
  7. AQAR of 2019-20 Download
  8. Procedures & Polices (Infrastructure) Download
  9. Student Satisfaction Survey 2019-20  Download
  10. IQAC Committee 2020-21  Download
  11. COs & PSO’s of all Departments 2019-20 Download
  12. Permenant Affiliation by Shivaji University Kolhapur_ 2019-21 Download
  13. Academic calendar 2019-20 Download
  14. Institutional Distinctiveness with table  Download
  15. Best practice 2019-20 Download
  16. AISHE CERTIFICATE 2019-20 Download
  17. 2(f) Proposal of DYPCET by SUK 2019-20 Download
  18. Conferment of Autonomous status by UGC Download
  19. Minutes of Meeting _No.2_ dated 23.10.2019 Download
  20. Minutes of Meeting No.1_dated 25.07.2019 Download