Prof. Ravindra Ganpatrao Savant
Associate Professor
(Dean – Department of Architecture)
Today our department stands as one of the powerful body with a glorious tradition of 35 years with a modern infrastructure and a dedicated and efficient staff of 55 working cohesively to identify the creativity of 400 students, enhance the physical and emotional quality of this creativity and finally mould them into society’s responsible technocrats yet abiding by the cultivated moral values.
However, organization worthiness is not measured in years or numbers but what it packs in that period. Over the years Architecture department has matured into a truly professional body understanding the responsibility towards students and the whole society. Year after year at all our conventions and small get –together much of the time is spent deliberating on these issues and responsibilities. The level interaction within the student’s community due to AKKAR is immense. By the end of five years, the most memorable time he/she carries with him/her is the times in AKKAR and the ones in his/her own department. The department of architecture has a definite philosophy. There is definitely freedom to think, to design, to create because Architecture cannot be taught but is a process of learning which remains endless. The national association of students of Architecture annual convention for the year 2016-2017 was held at Jaipur. 40 students’ delegates represented our college. Our presentation in all the trophies was outstanding and won 14 certificates. Students enjoyed a lot, going to many places of historical values as well as architectural importance – well-planned study tour at Hyderabad this year. It was indeed a great pleasure to note that this year; AAKAR has come with a new edition of magazine making it unique to its context and function. We have again come to the end of AAKAR year which will culminate in the annual convention. The trophies that we conduct every year are all designed to focus on issues that we feel are vital for the developments of an architect. Starting with pure design trophies to documentation and to redesign, the themes of AAKAR events are designed to shed light on important concerns facing our fraternity. It is indeed true that the present architecture community brought up on a status is only because of the contribution, moral thoughts, ideologies and idiosyncrasies of our loving Pitamaha Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil, President Shri. Sanjay D. Patil, Shri. Ruturaj S. Patil ( Trustee), Executive Director Dr. A. K. Gupta, Principal Dr. A. N. Jadhav, Shri. Anil Patil and the immense efforts of faculty and the students.