Greetings from Department of Computer Science and Engineering
D. Y. Patil College of Engineering and Technology, Kasaba bawada, Kolhapur.
We have organized
”An Online five Days
*ISTE Approved Short Term Training Program on*
*”Data Science with Python”
from 10th May 2021 to 14th May 2021 *
*Duration of STTP:*
10th May 2021 to 14th May 2021
*Registration Details:*
*Registration Fee Rs.300/- per participants*
*Account Details:*
*Bank Name:- Union Bank of India*
*Account Number:- 471101010280326*
*IFSC Code:- UBIN0547115*
*Registration Ends* : 09th May 2021
*Intimation of Confirmation :*
09th May 2021
Preference will be given to early registered candidates.
*Correspondence Email :*
*For registration*
Click below
The programme comprises of online lectures, workshop sessions, individual and group activities, hands-on sessions and assignments
Experts from academia, research organizations and Industries will conduct the theory and practical sessions of the programme.
*DR. Dhiraj V. Patil,*
Indian Institute of Technology Dharwad.
*Er. Rutuja Udyawar,*
CEO, Optimum Data Analytics, Pune.
*Er. Shubham Jante,*
Machine Learning Engineer, e-Zest Solutions, Pune.
*Prof. DR.Jyoti Jadhav*
*Organizing Members:*
*Prof. DR. G. A. Patil*
*Prof. DR. B. D. Jitkar*
*Prof. DR. K. V. Kulhalli*
*Prof. A. J. Jadhav*
*Prof. R. J. Dhanal*
*Prof. S. S. Kokate*
*Prof. K. T. Mane.*
*Prof. S. A. kumbhar*
*Prof.R. A. Ghatage*
*Prof. A. S. Yadav*
**For Queries Dial:*
*Prof. Sunil kumbhar*
*Prof.Rahul Ghatage*
*Prof. Ajinkya Yadav*