Industrial Visit at “Satyam Petrochemicals Ltd., Umbraj, Karad”

Industrial Visit at “Satyam Petrochemicals Ltd., Umbraj, Karad” has been conducted successfully today with 67 S.Y. B.Tech. Chemical Engg. attendees. Beneficiaries have come across all unit operations, various equipment, Types of head, supports, Heat exchanger, pumps, Packing, Distillation column, DCS, safety, storage tanks and advanced flow meters as well pneumatically operated valves. It was a really fruitful visit according to feedback shared by attendees.
Big Thank you to HoD Dr. K.T. Jadhav, Registrar, Dr. L.V. Malade, Principal, Dr. S.D.Chede, Executive Director of DYP group, Resp. Dr.A.K. Gupta and Higher management for availing us permission and buses for a hassle free and smooth journey…!