Industrial Visit of -IFB AC plant in Verna Goa….

As part of an curriculum, Final Year students visited IFB AC plant in Verna Goa. The students gained Technical knowledge of Heat Exchanger, Motor, Condensor, Duct, Refrigerant, Testing of AC unit, Testing of Heat Exchanger and Packaging Air Conditioning system and observed assembly line of Split AC during visit. The company also organized lunch for students and faculty members . Faculty coordinators also had  interaction with HR Mr. Tejveersingh of students internship, training and placement . Mr. Savio Rodriques, Mr. Milind Bhor, Mr. Asif Ahmedabadi helped us during visit.
This Visit was coordinated by
 Mr. V. I. Pasare
 Mr. U. N. Patil
 Mr. Ajinkya Nalge