About T&P Cell

The Training and Placement Cell of D Y Patil College of Engineering & Technology, Kasaba Bawada, Kolhapur handles campus placement of the B Tech & M Tech graduating students of all our campuses for Engineering. The Placement Cell provides complete support to the visiting companies at every stage of placement process. Arrangements for Pre-Placement Talks, Online/Offline Tests, Interviews and Group Discussions are made as per the requirement of the visiting companies.

The Training & Placement Cell plays a crucial role in locating job opportunities for Under Graduates and Postgraduates passing out from the college by keeping in touch with reputed firms and industrial establishments. The Training & Placement Cell operates round the year to facilitate contacts between companies and graduates. The number of students placed through the campus interviews is continuously rising. On invitation, many reputed industries visit the institute to conduct recruitment process.

We have been successful in maintaining our high placement statistics over the years and the fact that our students bear the recession blues with record breaking placements itself is a testimony to our quality. Our ingenious alumnae have set new standards in the corporate world through their estimable contributions and it is my firm conviction that we will continue that legacy in the years to come.

The Training & Placement Cell organizes career guidance programs for all the students starting from first year. The cell arranges training programs like Mock Interviews, Mock Online Tests, Group Discussions, Communication Skills Workshop & Company specific training programs etc and it also organizes Public Sector Exam Training for students who are interested to join Government Sectors. It also invites HR Managers from different industries to conduct training programmes for final year students.

Our Institute is accredited by so many top companies from which they are visiting our college every year for conducting Placement Training programs and Campus Interviews.

• To enhance the employability of DYPCET students by imparting necessary knowledge and skills through the best training initiatives rom first year to last year to meet the expectations of all types of Industries, with necessary interaction with the industry and alumni.

• To arrange regular interaction with the industry through Seminars, Guest Lectures, Conferences, Corporate meets etc.

• To strive for sheer diversity of recruiters and the job profiles across all domains and the sectors

• To facilitate vigorous institute-industry collaborations for placement and internship opportunities

• To collaborate with industry for live projects, Research work, Workshop or any academic alliance

• To develop training and placement cell as a career counseling center.

  • Prof. Sudarshan Narayan Sutar
  • Designation : Dean Career Development & Corporate Relations
  • Contact No : +91-9890633345
  • Email ID : Deancdcr@dypgroup.org
  • Prof. Makrand Sambhajirao Kaingade
  • Designation :Training & Placement Officer
  • Contact No : +91-7798203060
  • Email ID :dypcettpo@dypgroup.org training.dypcet@dypgroup.org





Important Forms

Sr. No Form Name Download Link
1. T&P Undertaking Form Download
2. Vocational Training Form Download
3. Industrial Internship Form Download
4. FY Industrial Visit & Study Program Form Download
5. First Year Industrial Visit Report Download