Internal Complaints Committee(ICC)

D. Y. Patil College of Engineering & Technology, Kolhapur is committed to providing safe academic and working environment to all students and its women employees. Internal Complaint Committee has been reconstituted as per the the sub regulation 1 of regulation 4 of University Grants Commission (Prevention, prohibition and redressal of sexual harassment of women employees and students in higher educational institutes) Regulations, 2015 for the period of three years from the academic year 2024-25.

The objectives of the Internal Complaint Committee to Prevent Sexual Harassment of Women at the Workplace are as follows:

  1. 1. To develop a policy against sexual harassment of women at the Institute.
  2. 2. To evolve a permanent mechanism for the prevention and redressal of sexual harassment cases and other acts of gender-based violence at the Institute.
  3. 3. To ensure the implementation of the policy in letter and spirit through proper reporting of the complaints and their follow-up procedures.
  4. 4. To uphold the commitment of the Institute to provide an environment free of gender-based discrimination.
  5. 5. To create a secure physical and social environment to deter any act of sexual harassment.
  6. 6. To promote a social and psychological environment to raise awareness on sexual harassment in its various forms.
Sr.  No. Name Designation Position in ICC
1 Mrs. N. D. Jirge Assistant Professor, Department of  Architecture Presiding Officer
2 Mrs. Swati S. Kadam Social worker Member Nominee, NGO
3 Adv. Mr. K. S. Gund-Patil Advocate Member Nominee, Legal Advisor
4 Mrs. S. R. Kanbarkar Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics. Member-faculty
5 Mrs. S. C. Bhosale Lab Assistant, Department of Computer Science & Engg. Member, Non Teaching
6 Mr. K. S. Jadhav Lab Assistant, Department of Chemical Engineering Member, Non Teaching
7  Ms. Samrudhi V. Pawar SE Student – Mechanical Member
8 Ms. Megha Balasaheb Patil SE Student – Architecture Member
9 Ms.  Diya Chandraprabhu Jangme SE Student – Computer Engg. Member
10 Mrs. Shatakashi Kokate Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Member Secretary

Activity Report

Year Download
2022-23 Download
2023-24 Download
2024-25 Download